Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018


@Chanhonk: He chase us ! RT @GodPosts: The best love story is the bible. It tells us how much God loves us.

RT @GodPosts: When He was on the cross you were on His mind.

@Chanhonk: Br ingat bread & rice termasuk uncountable noun. Dr bahasa aja bs tahu, berkat Tuhan itu terlalu berlimpah. Grateful!

@GodPosts: F.A.I.T.H- Forever Always I Trust Him

@GodPosts: When life gives you more then you can stand...kneel and pray.

@Chanhonk: Don't work so hard for Christ that you have no strength to pray, for prayer requieres strength - Hudson TayloR

@MaxLucado: God created the universe in 6 days; he rested on the 7th. His message? "If creation didn't crash when I rested, it won't crash when you do!"

@Chanhonk: God will be there. “He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27).

 RT @MaxLucado: We so fear failure that we create the image of perfection. The result? The weariest people on earth. #GRACEthebook

@QuoteHive: "If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy." -Proverb

@GodPosts: Say this out loud: "God I put it in your hands, and I trust you" .. feel that instant peace? It's from God

@WeLiftYourName: Jesus died for you in public, don't only live for Him in private.

@ThinkGrowRiches: You can not scare a man who is at peace with God, his fellowmen and himself. There is no room for fear in such a man's heart

RT @Godstagram: Knows trusting God is more than what we feel and see. We walk by faith, not by sight.

RT @TheNoteboook: When it seems like nobody cares, God cares. When it seems like nobody is there for you, God is ready to listen.

@ihatequotes As long as you keep your view in God, your circumstances can't shake you

Tuhan,jgn singkirkan gunung dihadapanku,tetapi berilah jalan & kekuatan untuk melewatinya - Chris Gardner ( The Pursuit of Happiness)

RT @coachtimo: "When u feel like giving up,when your heart is about to break,remember that u are perfect,God makes no mistake"--jon bon jovi

RT @LifeLimits: God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime.

RT @MaxLucado: Can't love that person? God can, and he lives in you.

RT @BookOProverbs: If you can't get someone off your mind - pray for them - you may be the only one that cares enough to do so.

Menawan segala pikiran dan menaklukkannya kepada Kristus (2Kor 10:5). Karena pikiran adalah sumber masalah, bukan keadaan

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again : Rejoice! (Phi 4:4)

Percaya kepada Tuhan dalam melalui masalah-masalah kita. Terbukti, Dia telah berpengalaman ribuan tahun

The foundation of Christianity is not “do something for God.” The foundation of Christianity is “God has done everything for you.”

We don't work for God, but we work with Him

@thereaIbanksy: We're all sinners, we just sin differently.

RT @ourdailybread: Prayer is not preparation for the work, it is the work. —Oswald Chambers

Allah tidak memanggil orang yang memenuhi syarat, melainkan Dia memperlengkapi orang yang dipanggil.

Berdoalah seperti segalanya bergantung kepada Allah, dan bekerjalah seperti segalanya bergantung kepadamu - Ignatius dari Loyola

RT @BookOProverbs: Life is God's novel. Let him write it. -Isaac Bashevis Singer

RT @LovLikeJesus: All that I have seen teaches me to trust God for all I have not seen

It's about Redeeming the time (Ef 5:16)

A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent -John Calvin

RT @AmazingiGrace: Faith in God includes faith in His timing.

Sebab kepada kamu dikaruniakan bukan saja untuk percaya kepada Kristus, melainkan juga untuk menderita untuk Dia - Filipi 1 :29

Bagi Ayub, justru penderitaan yang dialaminya itu membawanya kepada pengenalan yang benar akan Allah. Penderitaan itu memurnikan hatinya.

Yesaya 32:17 Di mana ada kebenaran di situ akan tumbuh damai sejahtera, dan akibat kebenaran ialah ketenangan & ketenteraman utk selama2nya

RT @FwJesus: God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them.    
Yang hatinya teguh Kaujagai dengan damai sejahtera, sebab kepada-Mulah ia percaya (Yesaya 26:3)

RT @BookOProverbs: I asked God for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.

RT @BookOProverbs: You sin? God forgives. You worry? God's in control. You're empty? God restores. You're alone? God is with you.

Yesaya 10:15 Adakah kapak memegahkan diri terhadap orang yang memakainya, atau gergaji membesarkan diri terhadap orang yang mempergunakannya? seolah-olah gada menggerakkan orang yang mengangkatnya, dan seolah-olah tongkat mengangkat orangnya yang bukan kayu!

RT @BookOProverbs: God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try. -Mother Teresa

Mission is accomplished at Calvary - Jesus Christ

Dari Taman Eden hingga Taman Getsemani. Dari ketidaktaatan manusia kepada ketaatan total Kristus

Yesaya 2:22 Jangan berharap pada manusia, sebab ia tidak lebih dari pada embusan nafas, dan sebagai apakah ia dapat dianggap?

Lihat, Aku telah melukiskan engkau di telapak tanganKU ( Yes 49:16a ) :')

RT @BookOProverbs: Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called. -1Tim 6:12