Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018


@RobertGreene: The most important skill, and power's crucial foundation, is the ability to master your emotions.

@SJosephBurns: Starting to trade isn't hard. Continuing to trade after losing money is hard. The biggest challenge in trading isn't starting,it's surviving

@RTrade: Saat kamu mulai berpikir bahwa investing dan trading itu harus tanpa emosi, kamu sudah kalah. Emosi bukan dihilangkan tapi diatur.

@Chanhonk: Invest our time before we invest our money. Spend much time for learning, most people want profit from market instantly without learning

@SJosephBurns: There are two kinds of traders: 
1. Those who are humble.
2. Those who are going to be humbled

@niftywizard: Traders that have faith in themselves & their system have no need to debate anyone about anything. Waste of time & energy. - @SJosephBurns

@desmondwira: Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it. Right is right even if only you are doing it. Stick to your  investment plan

@ThinkGrowRiches: Gold medals aren't really made of gold. They're made of sweat, determination, and a hard-to-find alloy called guts. ~ Dan Gable

@zerosum24: What's more important, being right or making money? There's a giant Wall Street graveyard for people obsessed with being right.

@pakarsaham: Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Winston Churchill #SmartTraderRichInvestor

@sekolah_saham: Yang penting bukan bagaimana agar tidak pernah salah, melainkan bagaimana menghadapi jika ternyata salah. #saham

@tradingproverbs: "Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner."
- Lao Tzu

@tradingproverbs: "A mistake is when you don't follow your rules.  If you don't have rules in trading, everything you do is a mistake." 

@pakarsaham: Mau jadi sukses, jadilah seperti pelari marathon,fokus pada tujuan. Tidak perlu melihat pelari lain, apalagi orang yg tidak ikut berlari

@edgewonk: The difference between the winners and the losers is that the winners make small mistakes while the losers make big mistakes. - Ned Davis

@SJosephBurns: The best traders I know are perpetual students and very humble.

@tradingproverbs: "The secret of leadership is simple: Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow." - Seth Godin

@SJosephBurns: I have never met a really successful trader that mocks & belittles others.....ever. #trolls

@AsennaWealth: For some people what others think of them as traders is more important to them than actually making money. Think about how stupid that is!

@JLTrader1: Unlike many other occupations,in #trading it doesn't pay to 'act busy'. Trading for the sole reason 'I have to do something' will be costly.

@SJosephBurns: "The keys to trading success are consistency, discipline and patience. They cannot be bought." - @thechartist

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment - Jim Rohm

RT @tradingproverbs: “Have the patience to wait, the courage to get out and the integrity to follow your plan” - John Carter

@tradingproverbs: "It is essential to wait for trades with a good risk / reward ratio. Patience is a virtue for a trader."  - Alexander Elder

@DanZanger: I know people like trading to be an exciting but often, great trading is a slow waiting game that pays massive returns with patience.

@tradingproverbs: "Remember, your goal is to trade well, not to trade often." - - Alexander Elder

@tradingproverbs: "Confidence comes from discipline and training."

@TraderHMS: "Do not worry about losing money that can be made back worry about losing your trading discipline." – @SjosephBurns

@EnglishTips4U: "A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else." — George Savile #EngQuote

@EnglishTips4U: “The strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience.” ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace #EngQuote

@iimfahima: Patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.

@SJosephBurns: “The biggest thing about making money is time. You don’t have to be particularly smart; you just have to be patient.” - Warren Buffett

@Bamabroker: people think they need to be making money EVERY single day.. its this belief why many lose lots of money.. patience is better than chasing.

@AsennaWealth: Have been trading for 25 years and still to this day I find the hardest thing to do is nothing at all.\        
@markminervini: The key to successful trading is not finding a method that works all the time, but to have the discipline to wait for the right time.

Kesabaran itu memang paling penting dalam trading stock. Tunggu analisa kita terbukti butuh waktu. Itu yg paling penting, tp paling yg susah

RT @tradingproverbs: “If you have a good stock, sit on it. Unless you find something that’s obviously much better, cheaper.”- Phil Carret

RT @pakarsaham: Remember the clever trader is always patient and has a reserve of cash. Jesse Livermore

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