Minggu, 15 Juni 2008


Saya barusan menamatkan sebuah game yang benar-benar disukai. Yah, Kingdom hearts. Sebuah game memadukan karakter khas Square-enix dengan Disney yang menghasilkan Story-line yang begitu dahsyat yang (Mungkin)melebihi Final fantasy. Dengan tokoh utama Sora yang berusaha mencari teman-teman dibantu oleh tokoh-tokoh dari Disney seperti goofy dan donald.

Kira-kira seminggu lalu saya bara menamatkan satu seri dari KH:the chain of Memories di emulator GBA. Saya tertarik membagikan beberapa qoute dari game tersebut. Ini beberapa diantaranya :

Aladdin: I was wrong, Genie. If I used your help to win Jasmine...I'd be no better than Jafar. Jasmine means the world to me. I want to show her the real me.

Sora: That's the spirit!

[Setelah kejadian Sora membantu Aladdin di Agrabah]

Peter Pan: I was afraid of that... Everyone grows up — and grownups always forget. First you'll forget what it feels like to be a kid, and then you'll forget about me.

Wendy: How can you say such a thing, Peter? I'll never forget you.

Peter Pan: Sure, that's what you think now. But when you try to remember me, the memories will be gone. You'll forget — little by little, one memory at a time. Once you're grown up, there won't be a single memory left.

Sora: Don't say that. Memories — even important ones — don't come back to us whenever we want them to. But that doesn't mean the memories are gone. It's more like...like they're sleeping. So when the right thing comes along and wakes the memory up, we can remember it. The memories engraved in our hearts never go away. I'm sure of it.

Wendy: He's right, Peter.

[Peterpan yang tidak ingin Wendy kembali ke London]

Belle: You came! No! You mustn't! I told you to leave this place! Leave me alone! I never want to see your face again!

Beast: Belle...

Jiminy: What an awful thing to say!

Beast: All right. If that's how you feel, I understand. My hideous form is punishment for being selfish and unable to love. Transformed into a monster, loved by no one, I only became more selfish. And then I met you, Belle. You're the only person who accepted me. Little by little, you warmed my cold, selfish heart. The memories of ourdays together are my most precious. I won't cast them aside. So I'm sorry, but I can't leave you here...even if you hate me for it. Consider it my final selfish act.

[Pengakuan cinta yang tulus dari beast]

Bagaimana pembaca? Sungguh indah bukan. Memang sebuah game RPG unsur paling utama adalah kekuatan cerita dan grafik, tapi diatas segalanya cara bercerita pengarang sangat menentukan.

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