Aminn RT @drMetiMetiani:
"Seseorang yang sudah puas dengan dirinya sendiri tidak membutuhkan pengakuan dari orang lain"
RT @Sports_Greats:
It is not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the
game even starts. -Addison Walker
Bener, g pernah ngalamin RT @ItsThingsInLife:
People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage
KerenRT @girlsproverbs:
There's a reason God put our eyes in front of our bodies, so we can see where
are we going, not where we have been.
RT @Sports_Greats:
Sometimes the biggest problem is in your head. You've got to believe. -Jack
RT @TheNoteboook:
If people are talking bad about you, you're doing something right. It's a lot
better than not being talked about at all.
Sabar trhadap diri sendiri = pngharapan. Sabar trhadap orang
lain = kasih. Sabar trhadap rencana Tuhan = Iman.. Good morning
RT @Sports_Greats:
The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to
prepare. -Bobby Knight
RT @Sports_Greats:
If you are afraid of failure you don't deserve to be successful! -Charles
RT @Sports_Greats:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for
what he gave. -Calvin Coolidige
doesn't matter how many fights we have in our relationship.What matters is how
we make our relationship worth the fight.
RT @girlsproverbs:
GIRLS: If God answers your prayers, He is increasing your faith. If He doesn't,
He is training your patience.
RT @iimfahima:
The greatest danger for most of us is not that we aim too high and we miss it,
but we aim too low and reach it – unknow
RT @DamnItsTrue:
Just because God's path isn't always understandable, doesn't mean it's not the
right path.
RT @Sports_Greats:
An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his
heart & dreams in his head. -Emil Zatopek
Romantic.. RT @EternalQuotes:
He asked me "Have you got everything?" I took his hand, smiled and
replied: "Now I do."
RT @Inspired_Ones:
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that
person, a beautiful thing. -Mother Teresa
RT @SafirSenduk:
"Uang memang bisa membeli rumah, tapi cuma cinta yang membuat rumah itu
penuh dengan kebahagiaan."
RT @drMetiMetiani:
"Jangan pernah perhitungan dalam memberikan senyuman hangat kepada orang
RT @KamusCewek:
sebagian wanita keras kepala,itu karena ia terbiasa dimanja dan selalu dituruti
MENGERIKAN!! RT @TropicanaSlim:
kaleng softdrink (330ml) mengandung 36g gula,sdgkn mnrt DepKesRI konsumsi gula
sebaiknya ga lbh dr 25g/hr!
RT @aagym:
Kalo minta dan ingin selalu mengharap yg terbaik/terbagus tapi kalo mengabdi
kpd Allah hny memberikan 'sisa' saja
RT @aagym:
Benarkah kita hanya memberikan 'sisa-sisa' saja kpd Allah ya Maha Baik, yg
Mngurus dan mencukupi kita stiap waktu?
RT @aagym:
Ingin jodoh tapi tak mendekati DIA yg Menciptakan dan Mengatur stiap pasangan,
tentu akn menggelisahkan dan melelahkan
Bener bgtRT @aagym:
Aneh ya, kita sibuk memikirkan rejeki, tapi tak sibuk utk mendekati, meminta
kepada DIA Pemilik dan Pembagi rizki kita
Bahagia itu candu. Sekali merasakan, org ingin slalu
bahagia. Padahal dalam hidup kita gak slalu bahagia."-Vina Bilang Cinta
RT @drMetiMetiani:
"Salah satu nilai lebih yg diperoleh anak jika aktif berolahraga adalah
berkembangnya jiwa kepemimpinan mereka"
RT @aagym:
Hidup ini jgn mau diatur oleh keburukan orang lain, masa mrk berbuat buruk lalu
kita niru berbuat buruk juga?
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.
RT @aagym:
Dulu saja waktu lahir, jadi bayi yg tak bisa dan tak punya apa2 bisa mengarungi
hidup ini, mngapa skrang jadi penakut?
Nicee RT @girlsproverbs:
I think God’s plan is like a movie. All the good and bad things are arranged
together for the good ending.
RT @pandji:
Gue lelah dgn org sinis & pesimis yg naik kendaraan bernama Indonesia.
Disuru nyupir ga mau, tp jd penumpang komplen mulu |.
RT @girlsproverbs:
When people judge you & hate you for no reason, always remember that God
also love you for no reason.
RT @WaferTango:
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.~Gandhi.
Bener bgt RT @DamnItsTrue:
SMILE = Showing Miracles In Little Effort.
RT @TheNoteboook:
Making a million friends isn't a miracle.The miracle is to make one friend
who'll stand by u when millions are against u